Had some of the best Jap food around Melaka.. Stuffed myself to d brim.. No pics tho.. XD
Anyway.. Josh said something during the closing prayer that struck me.
That we can treasure this moment we have together. This friendship.. This fellowship..
To me friendships are very important.. and well.. life won't be the same if i haven't met the friends which i did.
They are my gold, my silver..
Then on the way home.. Y-k mentioned something about friends too. Somehow, it warmed my heart.
On a different note, friendships hurt the most when separation happens. and to most i guess, its the hardest to deal with.
But I guess we all have one hope: that no matter how far we are separated, or for how long, in the end, we'll have run the good race, and we'll see each other, somewhere beyond this life.
A grateful friend.

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