Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Her name is..

Finally decided a name for my beloved guitar. I shall call her: Mel.
Okok i know its a bit late considering i got it for 4 years ad.. but still.. =P


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bring the Rain.

It's the holidays n i'm at home in Pg. The taste of homecooked food is AWESOME.. XD..
So far, in Pg..
- Chatted with YL b4 he flew to Kuching.
- Went Island with some seniors and friends from uni.
- Slack at home. (and lovin it.)

Anyway i was bored the other day and decided to play around with Photoshop. So i took some pics frm the net and yea..
Here's the results:

I call it: Bring the Rain.
Trial 1

Here's a 2nd attempt:
Trial 2

Still can't do the explosions real enough.. zzz.. Anyway, i need feedbacks!! XD