1st was 40 Days Fast & Prayer Closing..
Pastor Susan Tang.. preached bout d end times.. really a wake up call.
2nd was Melaka Camp 09'..
Venue: Broga
Date:29-31 Augz
Alphas organized a camp. Had lots of games.. FUN.. But there were unsolved issues... Hmm..
3rd was Prayer & Worship Nite
Held right after camp.. had good feedbacks.. but I believe more could've been done. Really disappointed with my planning skills. Arghh..
4th was the final CF..
Crazy time.. had sore throat. But still had to rush for a presentation b4 going CF cuz i was songleading.. Unforgettable experience. Thank God that i made it.. XD..
5th was Paradise Live Concert.. Woo..
Had fun.. stressed bit.. cuz pastor kept rushing me.. o.O.. But had fun overall.. lol..
6th was final CG
BBQ FTW.. celupians made a failed attempt at sabo-ing slyvester.. Kids.. XD.. Nevertheless had a great time with my cg members.. Thanks john CG leader who prepared d stuffs n for leading us.. =)
In between..
- Made an apology..
- Alvin came down, lepak whole day.. b4 dinnering at Shibaraku with some alphas n seniors. After that went lepak kat musical fountain just cuz d girls are more than d guys.. =P.. jkjk.. hehe..

Well thats about that.. Currently on the verge b4 study week.
After that its finals... Then, holidays.. Then.. ACT.. o.O
I suppose this is it.. Til i get d mood to blog again.. =P
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