Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Bangs Head
Just a little something i came up with in my free time.. Credits to Kenny Yeoh for helping me post it up online.. >.<
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saw a bunch of ppl outside d hse.. sounds of Haaaa.......... could be heard.. went outside.. a chorus of Happy Birthday could be heard.. My heart is filled with warmth.. After the song they prayed for me.
Thats when d fun starts.. Loads of flour.. Cartons of eggs.. All expired.. o.O.. Fill in the blanks.. XD..
After awhile it was clean up time.. halfway through... a car came passing by.. only it's not your regular car..
Twas' a POLICE CAR.. We stared at it as it went by... it didn't stop.. celebrations went on..
Ten minutes later.. the POLICE CAR stopped by again.. this time 2 policemen came down.. Apparently some neighbor reported bout us makin too much noise.. o.O
Quote one of them: "Aku boleh caj tau.. ganggu ketenteraman awam.. ku boleh caj.. ku tak mau je.. ku boleh...."
After realizing that they were outnumbered 10 to 1 they left after giving us a warning..
And that summarizes the very First hour of my 20th birthday.
Indeed it has been a blessing.. The people who gave me my life, the ones who've been there to support me, and those who made it colorful.. Thank you all!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
From the Moment I saw you,
from the moment I looked into your eyes
there was something about you
I knew I knew
that you were once in a life time
a treasure near impossible to find
and I know how lucky I am to have you
Cause I've seen the rainbows that can take your breath away
the beauty of the setting sun that ends a perfect day
and when it comes to shooting stars, I've seen a few
but I've never seen beautiful as you
Holding you in my arms
no one else has fit so perfectly
I could dance forever with you, with you
and at the stroke of midnight
please forgive me if I can't let go
cause I never dreamed I'd find a Cinderella of my own
Cause I've seen the rainbows that can take your breath away
the beauty of the setting sun that ends a perfect day
and when it comes to shooting stars, I've seen a few
but I've never seen beautiful as you
Cause I've seen the rainbows that can take your breath away
the beauty of the setting sun that ends a perfect day
and when it comes to shooting stars, I've seen a few
but I've never seen anything...
Oh Oh, Oh no, I've never seen beautiful as you
from the moment I saw you,
from the moment I looked ïnto your eyes......
Saturday, September 19, 2009
1st was 40 Days Fast & Prayer Closing..
Pastor Susan Tang.. preached bout d end times.. really a wake up call.
2nd was Melaka Camp 09'..
Venue: Broga
Date:29-31 Augz
Alphas organized a camp. Had lots of games.. FUN.. But there were unsolved issues... Hmm..
3rd was Prayer & Worship Nite
Held right after camp.. had good feedbacks.. but I believe more could've been done. Really disappointed with my planning skills. Arghh..
4th was the final CF..
Crazy time.. had sore throat. But still had to rush for a presentation b4 going CF cuz i was songleading.. Unforgettable experience. Thank God that i made it.. XD..
5th was Paradise Live Concert.. Woo..
Had fun.. stressed bit.. cuz pastor kept rushing me.. o.O.. But had fun overall.. lol..
6th was final CG
BBQ FTW.. celupians made a failed attempt at sabo-ing slyvester.. Kids.. XD.. Nevertheless had a great time with my cg members.. Thanks john CG leader who prepared d stuffs n for leading us.. =)
In between..
- Made an apology..
- Alvin came down, lepak whole day.. b4 dinnering at Shibaraku with some alphas n seniors. After that went lepak kat musical fountain just cuz d girls are more than d guys.. =P.. jkjk.. hehe..
Pancutan "Wayne" made Tze Phei hyper
Sister Pic
Tze Phei's Model Pic XD
Bro & Sis Pic =)
Well thats about that.. Currently on the verge b4 study week.
After that its finals... Then, holidays.. Then.. ACT.. o.O
I suppose this is it.. Til i get d mood to blog again.. =P
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Her name is..
Okok i know its a bit late considering i got it for 4 years ad.. but still.. =P
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Bring the Rain.
So far, in Pg..
- Chatted with YL b4 he flew to Kuching.
- Went Island with some seniors and friends from uni.
- Slack at home. (and lovin it.)
Anyway i was bored the other day and decided to play around with Photoshop. So i took some pics frm the net and yea..
Here's the results:
Still can't do the explosions real enough.. zzz.. Anyway, i need feedbacks!! XD
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Harry Potter 6.. Not a bad attempt.. XD
Today has been good i guess.. Apart frm the movie i got to mix with some juniors.. Got myself a new assistant.. Woots!! Next issue: How to improve worship in CF? Gotta pray n think about that.. XD..
Its 18th July.. and i would like to say Happy Birthday to a friend of mine.. A friend who stood with me and wait with me for the bus everyday after sch for 2 years.. and if the bus didn't come, we'd hav to take the public bus home together.. A friend whom i could talk to for hours n hours juz sitting there and chatting.. Sadly i kinda lost contact with her.. and i doubt she'd ever read this post.. But i wish her well and all the best in all that she attempts.. and that God will watch over her life.. =)
I guess that's about it for the day.. Til the next post.. Adios. XD
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Malas to think of title.. XD
Back to more cheerful matters.. I'm so joining combat robot next year.. XD.. and went for futsal juz nw.. woohoo.. its fun playing wif da new juniors.. n of course d not so juniors.. haha.. and computer lab's finally started.. now i get to do some C programmin.. woots!!
Am currently starin at d screen wondering wat should be done tmr.. hmm.. its CG day again.. hopefully it'll be a fun outing tmr.. and that i'll get some studyin done b4 fri's quiz.. =.=..
Gahhhh.. i wanna play E. Guitar!!! sigh.. one more year.. XD
Man this has been a random post.. but i'll juz leave this wif ya'll..
A song of ascents.
we were like men who dreamed.
2 Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
"The LORD has done great things for them."
3 The LORD has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.
4 Restore our fortunes, O LORD,
like streams in the Negev.
5 Those who sow in tears
will reap with songs of joy.
6 He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him.
This psalm talks about how the psalmist remembers the great things God has done for him, and how he and his people rejoiced, how they sang and laughed and praised God. Though he is poor now, he hopes in God that his fortunes will be restored. And so, he goes out and sows his seeds.. but he can't stop weeping, because he is still in pain and suffering. But he knows by Faith that God is faithful, and will fulfill his promise, that: Those who sow in tears, will reap with songs of Joy.
This world is not perfect.. many a times we are impeded by sufferings and emotional pains.. not to mention physical limitations for some.. How do we respond? Emo at one corner? Be egoistical and deny that we're not suffering? Try to ram against a wall that never breaks? Or do we figure a way to overcome it; even while we are still suffering???
I tell you, by Faith we Hope for what is not seen, and through Love we overcome.
As the apostle Paul once said:" ..and now these 3 remain. Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love."
Just some thoughts.. Heh.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Juz feeling a bit low..
Feelin realll emo.. Sometimes i feel so hyper and excited. and yet there's times i question the meaning of my actions.. my life.. people around me.. what am i here for.. its funny how much good u can do and no one ever notices.. and with one shortcoming, people lose their trust for you, stay away from you.. and ultimately.. these people u once called friends are nothin but people who popped up along the road of your life and popped off somewhere in the middle.. i'm tired.. tired of running here and there, pursuing relationships that never work out.. (not intimate ones).. im merely askin for a friend.. a friend to cry with, to laugh with, to listen to my jokes.. to laugh at my problems.. dang.. i need a girlfriend XD.. its not that i'm too free.. ive got lots to do.. worship coordinator.. IF Talk asst director.. helpin in church.. studies.. toppin that off somethin big happened last week.. which again made me question that which rules over us.. why are things allowed to happen as they do? why are some people so bent on solving problems with violence? why do people judge based on a past shortcoming, yet not look at the person u currently are? is there any justification for that? and am i to be blamed for bluntly stating my opinion? a fight was about to happen right in front of my eyes.. even so i'm not the one to say something about it? then WHO?? u tell me la. WHO??? u ah?? i tell u you wont even know about it if they didnt tell u. so please la.. don't tell me how to run my life.. or who i should respect.. i respect a lot of people.. but for some, i take my respect back. cuz they didnt deserve it. i dont care whether they're seniors or not. if one's wrong one shud admit it.. not take out others who dont stand with your side.. we're all grown ups and the only way u can solve a problem is go whack the fella.. hahahahahahaha.. what an adult!!! honestly im fed up with all this crap.. i will not stand for it.. sigh..
Anyway thats what im honestly feeling.. gonna cut it loose now.. Jesus, i ask for strength to go thru the days, i'm not perfect.. yet i will not let my anger get the best of me. Bless my enemies, and teach me to love them.. I need your guidance.. i really do.. i know that you are the personification of Love.. i just dont understand how things work in your way.. =.=.. guess i need to do a lot of growing up. Lord i ask u hear this prayer.. teach me how to love. Amen..
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I was going thru my day as usual when the thought hit me.. So just wanna post it up as a reminder..
Sometimes, jumping to self-made conclusions can go a long way.. that is, a long wayyy down.......
Assuming things about someone, or even something.. has lots of side effects.
Sometimes, it destroys relationships.
Sometimes, it breaks down the whole team spirit.
Sometimes, it can even cause an entire company to just bankrupt.
Things don't always appear as they seem. All things have depth to them. And the way we do things should be based on Facts, not half-cooked assumptions taken from a 2nd or 3rd party.
Just thinking bout some stuffs.. Heh..
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
1st CF...
Anyways.. its the start of a new sem, the start of new CFs, CGs, new friends, new crazy happenings..
Today is the 1st day of our CF.....
We started off with prayer b4 the meeting as usual, then ppl started coming in.. I got really nervous cuz its our 1st CF as committees.. How will it turn out? What if we hav probs? Mic doesn't work? No song lyrics???
Thank God it did tho. Brother Fook Meng shared something about our theme: The Axis Of Love, and Jeremy, Eunice and Josh shared their bit about our vision and mission..
Basically thats about it.. after that we went supper.. and then headed home. I'll upload some pics next time if i can.. Til then, this'll do i guess..
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Heart of Worship
To start off, on Fri we had lunch with pastor.. After that we had a session with her, where we did personality tests and found out a little more about our spiritual gifts and the strength and weaknesses of our character. After that Elder Fook Meng gave a little advice on decision making, before passing the time to the old comms, who gave us the task of planning and executing meetings and events for CF in a ten week period (scaled down to 90mins)..
Things started going downhill on our 1st task.. No one knew who was who.. Where our budget came from.. How to deal with campus authorities.. We didn't even know that MSK was a MMUCS event.. which meant we had to involve both other CFs in planning and organizing.. After the whole thing.. some of us were quite pissed.. some glad that it was over.. and some wondering if we could've done more.. But our eyes were opened to all the problems we might have in dealing with campus authorities.. Especially with MMU protocols.. XD
Ok so that was over.. had to rush off for worship practice.. had a lot of fun.. but dead tired after the whole thing..
Saturday came and went.. Had the most fun during steamboat session with a bunch of girls.. muahahahahaha..
After that hung out with felie n hui lee, b4 headin home to slp.
Sunday came. freakin mosquitoes wont leave me alone.. woke up 5am. Arghh... Sunday service came and went.. Again, had fun playing but my fingers were on the verge of dropping off.. Then round 5pm.. the Handover..
Pastor spoke about how Moses handed his responsibilities to Joshua.. and God's Word to him:
Friday, May 1, 2009
Had some of the best Jap food around Melaka.. Stuffed myself to d brim.. No pics tho.. XD
Anyway.. Josh said something during the closing prayer that struck me.
That we can treasure this moment we have together. This friendship.. This fellowship..
To me friendships are very important.. and well.. life won't be the same if i haven't met the friends which i did.
They are my gold, my silver..
Then on the way home.. Y-k mentioned something about friends too. Somehow, it warmed my heart.
On a different note, friendships hurt the most when separation happens. and to most i guess, its the hardest to deal with.
But I guess we all have one hope: that no matter how far we are separated, or for how long, in the end, we'll have run the good race, and we'll see each other, somewhere beyond this life.
A grateful friend.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
John 3:16 - Believe.
(the Greatest One) Loved..
(the Greatest Emotion)
..the World,
(the Greatest Measure)
..He Gave..
(the Greatest Action)
..His only Son,
(the Greatest Gift)
..that Whoever believes in Him..
(the Greatest Simplicity)
..Shall not perish..
(the Greatest Promise)
(the Greatest Difference)
..have Eternal Life.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I'm still alive!!
Anyway here goes.. During the whole month of March.. basically nothing much happened. XD.. Only thing i can rmbr is going to B's place during the hols. Which was much fun indeed.. Heh.. As for April.. Easter just passed.. Was reminded of the sacrifice Jesus made for the salvation of our souls. Had a play in church.. N there's gonna be an Easter Special in CF tmr.. Hehe.. Anyway thats about it.. Laterz.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Mad siall............
Here goes.. my uni organized a MMU Olympics.. So some of my frens are playing for C.S. in futsal.. There were 2 teams n i was not included.. So last nite was the eve of the Games.. suddenly this member called in to pull out.. o.O..
Then out of nowhere i was asked to play.. o.O!!
Then for some reason i was giler tension.. Couldnt slp last nite.. So i woke up at 230am.. n lay in d darkness til 6am..
Got ready.. N then its TIME.. So we took off to Cheng Sportsplanet.
Got through the Group rounds.. Amazingly..
Won the 1st KO Round.. Avenged the CSFCs... But giller GG in 2nd round.. Tapao-ed by a team called Richard T.
Yea.. So thats bout it.. I didn't expect i'd be able to play.. but i did.. juz one game tho.. Haha..
All in all.. It was a short lived victory.. But no matter what.. We'll praise the Lord cuz all losses and victories belong to Him.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Man i've been slackin long enough..... haiz..
My sleeping hours are off the charts.. Been skipping classes..
Good thing my assignments tak kena GG yet.. Maybe except the blog thingy.. Hmm..
Anyway.. Today i managed to get up for 8am class.. Whew..
This is a pledge i want to make to myself: Get up in the Morning (not Afternoon) and get 4.0 at the end of sem, besides learning driving and hopefully getting a job.. Heh..
O yea.. BSAD 09 juz passed.. We had a great time in showing our sisters how much we appreciate them and an even greater time being appreciated as well.. Anyway i'll let pics do the talking..
Worship Session
The Whose Line Isit Anyway
The 779-i
Being led blindfolded..
Our Reward... FOOD!!! =P
My Jie
Beloved Sisters =)
Happy BSAD 09'!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Respect your senior Kayy!! >.<
Bt it wasnt anything big cuz i only had 1 subject last sem.. XD
But stil.. I'm happy..
Anyway.. Its d 1st day of d sem.. Class was frm 9-10am nia.. lol..
So now im bored n stuck at home.. Got some jobs to do later tho.. haha..
so for now.. This post will be about 2 people having their last 1st day of sch in MMU today..
Er... did i say it right??? nvm.. i'm gonna miss them so much.. Anyway here goes..
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Of Scandals and Iced Lemon Tea...
Autocity's Nando's Chicken.. I wonder why.. The main reason i like that place is the Bottomless Drink..
and when they say Bottomless.. it MEANS Bottomless. XD
I'll let u guys cook up a story bout what happened alright?
Moving on..
After all the makaning.. the drinking.. the laughing.. scandaling fellowshiping..
We went for some donuts before going home. All in all it was a fun night..
As for James and Joshua.. Tonight was the last night i'll have with them for another year or so.. Sad..
So.. This section of the post is for them.
It's been a pleasure knowing u guys.. From the time in f3.. til now... It's been MAD.. XD
Know that you will be missed. =)
and er.. go get yourselves a decent Gf each alright? XD
Joshua The Gui
James The Tan
*clap your hands ppl!!*
Anyway.. thats the serious part..
Now.. Here is...
500 points for whoever can spot James.. XD
next up...
The famous quote from Josh The Gui: My Brains!!
Hahahahahahahahaha.. Those were the days man.. Wish u guys all the best and God Bless!!
P.S. Broke the record for Ice Lemon Tea refills.. Had like 10 refills in a single meal.. Luckily the waiters/waitresses were patient enough to deal with me.. LOL..
Quote James n Quan: Cheapskate! XD
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Its da Holidaysssss!!!!
Holidays started last week. Went for outing with 3 girls and 1 guy.
Had a blast~
I havent got all the pics yet so i'll post it some other time.. Heh.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Say it with me: IT'S...... OOOVEERRRR!!!! XD
Free until next sem starts!!!!!
Anyway.. My finals for this sem finished this morning.. Digital Logic Design..
I didn't do badly.. Nor would i say i'd done well..
Well at least i won't fail.. But i wish i'd done better during midterms too..
Sigh.. But now it doesnt matter.. I can't keep finding excuses for my failures..
Just gotta get back up, and move forward.
Today's post is gonna be long a bit.. Maybe cuz i juz feel like ranting..
But wat to rant about? U tell me.. Hahaha..
Guess what... I'M FREE!! and yet i'm stuck at home now blogging.
Hui Lee Tzeh Wy Josh n Cindy's gone for their outing.
Jess n Jie ad balik.. Reenz is out wif her boyboy..
Sha n Y-k at new hse.. 1/3 of the CF ppl are at committee planning.
MAN......... I'm dying of boredom here..
and tomorrow's trip to KL just got cancelled. zzZ.. PERFECT.
But its ok.. I'm goin to KL on thurs anyway.. Just don't know how to explain that to my parents. Heh.
Just hope that i won't spend too much this time.. I wanna go shoppin with bea again.. Haha..
Hmmm.. What else to crap about?
Oh yea.. I did something bad again today. I just cant run away from it. Sorry God. Please help me overcome this.
another thing.. I msged her.. she replied!!! Altho.. I didnt reply again.. What's the point anyway..
I really wish things could go back to the way it was. But then, part of me doesnt.
I don't wanna go back to that weak pathetic self.. Always dependant on her.. I want to be dependable. NOT depend on others all the time..!! Gahh.... But then again.. We had never been closer.........
Your studies are more important. You hav to get a 4.0..
You hav to get a scholarship. Or at least PTPTN.
You hav to do housework. You hav to serve in church
You hav to serve your family. You hav to build up yourself
You hav to find a job. You HAVE to READ THE BIBLE.
ARGGHHH... (none of these i'm doing yet.)
How can someone be so useless?
HOW u ask?? Well u came to the right guy!!
Cuz i'm the most useless guy there is...
Don't ask me why.. If i told u blogspot not enough space ad..
Anyway.. I'm gonna end this. Just some Gila Ramblings..
If you read til here i salute you for your patience as well as dumbness. you must really like me or hate me a lot.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
WTH am I doing here?!
So.. yea.. It's tmr.. and what am i doing here??
Been a slacking day... Was supposed to study but.
Got caught up reading Fairy Tail.. (Alvin's fault)
Felt so dead the whole day.
I need God.
Will try to study now.. Hopefully i can wake up for Msian Studies tmr..
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The end of something.. and the start of another..
To all da monkeys out there, don't be sad.. Happy New Year to you too!! =)
Anyway.. It's been an interesting 2008. So many things happened..
Wonderful things.. Sad things.. Oddly unexplainable things.. Lol..
Here's a few pics.. I malas to type.. XD
The aCt
The Caroling
The Melaka Camp EPIC
First CF in Campus!!
FFK CG yo!